Leonard, Squirrels' Refugge Camp, Knedlo vepřo zelo July 13


Leonard, Squirrels' Refugge Camp, Knedlo vepřo zelo July 13


Leonard came to visit us for a couple of our and also invited me to spend a few days with him. We had the most Czech-traditional meal: dumplings, pork, and sauer kraut, that was kind of funny in America :-). Btw local grass looks just like ours at home, the types of little flowers inside - it's easy to understand why all the Czech people travelling to America stayed in here :). And since every squirrel is "persona non grata", uncle Don takes them out of the town into their own squirrels' refugee camp among the trees and fields :).



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Leonard, Squirrels' Refugge Camp, Knedlo vepřo zelo July 13
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